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Why English Grammar Is Important

By: Sarah Folega - Updated: 26 Oct 2017 | comments*Discuss
Grammar Understand Learn English

With language changing as new elements are introduced, is grammar really that important? Academically speaking, there are certain parts of the English language and grammar that wasn’t acceptable years ago. Now, however, these changes are widely used and interpreted as correct.

Grammar is very important, no matter how much the rules change, as it is what makes it possible for us all to communicate and understand what we see, and what we say.

Learning Grammar Rules

We learn basic grammar when we start to put sentences together as children. But, the actual ‘knowing’ of grammar is much more complex. Grammar teaches us how to build sentences, about the types of words that we use and when we should use them. Grammar also tells us what type of word we are using in any particular sentence.

There are lots of different aspects to English grammar, and each is as important as the last. It is English grammar that will allow you to be a better communicator, listener, thinker, reader and writer. Having a knowledgeable understanding of grammar will let you have a potentially rewarding career in many fields of work.

Logic And Grammar

To put it simply, grammar is a way in which we organise words, clauses and phrases into meaningful conversation and communication. The organisation of grammar all depends on the logic. And, understanding grammar will mean you can think more logically.

Grammar without logic and organisation means you cannot clearly put across your message. The more grammar rules you understand, the clearer your communication is. This makes it easier for you to be heard and to tell your story. Having an advanced knowledge of grammar is something everyone should have.

Style And Grammar

Our grammar style is how we communicate with others. Your particular style when using grammar shows a lot about you. An advanced knowledge of grammar means you can create witty, clever and interesting pieces for people to read. It also means you can be totally unique as everyone’s style is different.

People will pay more attention to what you have to say if you can communicate well with others. Just look at some of the world’s famous authors and public speakers; they will have a unique and stylish way of using grammar.

You can learn a lot from reading other writer’s work. Even children’s books use grammar in its simplest form. The best way to learn about the practical use of grammar is to see it in practise. Read, read, read; you will soon understand the relationship between writing and English grammar.

Grammar Within Personal Relationships

You may have amazing ideas, but if you have little to no knowledge of English grammar, how are you going to communicate them? The simple answer is that you aren’t going to.

You will be able to fully appreciate how to get a message across if you can understand English grammar. From reading complex writings to children’s books, grammar will enable you to fully understand what you are reading or writing.

Some people who are learning English as a second language make one simple, but massive mistake; they forget to learn English grammar. Even basic grammar is better than none, and the advance learning can always come later. Don’t limit the way in which you can communicate with others by not learning all about English grammar.

Once you have mastered English grammar, you will be able to communicate with everyone and anyone. You will be able to understand the complex and the simple. So, yes, grammar is vitally important – and that is definitely an understatement.

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There are a certain parts that werent.... Or There are certain parts thatwerent...
Catty - 26-Oct-17 @ 7:23 AM
yes. Correct. Sarah Folega, that is rather embarrassing. :/
Andy - 28-Nov-11 @ 4:38 PM
Quote: "there are certain parts of the English language and grammar that wasn’t acceptable years ago." 'parts' is plural. Should be 'weren't' not "wasn't"
Benny D - 28-Nov-11 @ 4:33 PM
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